Weekending | The weekend of finances

Last night the Mr. said “weekends go by so fast.” #nokidding

On Friday night I killed my step goal with a run after work and then the Mr. and I shared a pizza (being in PJs by 7:15 p.m.). When I did not immediately jump into watching a movie hubs started taxes and I saw no reason to slow down the train. I ate all the popcorn he made that I said initially that I did not want, he finished around 11, we watched a Shark Tank, and called it a night.

Saturday brought with it cleaning (me), retirement work (hubs), and then a 4.5 hour walk through neighborhoods in our area. We stopped for ice cream during our walk and a cute boutique was having a sale and I grabbed some Rifle Paper Company cards for upcoming events worth much celebration (wedding and babies) and some stationary with a “T” (because it still is not getting old). After we dragged ourselves home and cleaned up I made homemade nachos. Y’all, if you’re ever in the position to get a piece of Le Creuset—the braiser is one of the only two pieces I’d whole-heartedly recommend (the other being a dutch oven because obvi). I used ground turkey instead of beef brisket and we inhaled them (our 20,000 steps may have contributed to how much we ate). I had grabbed “Everest” while running errands and we watched that—yikes. It was intense and sad. I was reading up on climbing Everest afterwards, and it posed a great question to me—a situation that is frequently being encountered is that people can (and do) hire Sherpas to do a TON of the work—setting the guide ropes, building their camp, etc. I read a quote that some people who climb do not even know how to set themselves onto the guide rope. My question is—is that even “climbing” Everest, if you do not know the basic fundamentals of climbing, or is just surviving a tough situation for a few weeks that you willing pay a lot of money to survive?

Daylight savings kicked our tails. When we woke up for church we both gruffly decided “NOPE.” I did our laundry (and a spot of online shopping), Joe did homework, and we took another walk (not quite as long). While walking we called our family members and close friends and struck out on most of our calls. I caught up with the bestie for a bit, we got home, finished up supper (Mississippi roast, minus the pepperchinis, oil, and buttermilk, and only using 2 tbsp. of butter + ½ cup of beef broth seasoned with cayenne), and then launched into a discussion of our savings plan (note to self-never start that conversation at bed time).

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